4 Votos (4.50 Promedio) y 2.582 Vistas  

Beechcraft 19 Sport (N32017) - KDEN - Aug 1998 view of Stapleton - Note the MD-80 performing a wheels up go around, as the UAL Convair 580 ( right of the B-1900 middle runway ) The MD-80 was touching down and then immediately lifted as the UAL 580 had not cleared he runway yet - and I don't know why - poss missed a high speed. Anyways, everything just froze on the runways and taxi ways until ATC cleared everybody. I had 3 hours this AM to film and foto at Stapleton, and this was one busy airport - even Aug 1988 standards.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Beechcraft 19 Sport (N32017)


KDEN - Aug 1998 view of Stapleton - Note the MD-80 performing a wheels up go around, as the UAL Convair 580 ( right of the B-1900 middle runway ) The MD-80 was touching down and then immediately lifted as the UAL 580 had not cleared he runway yet - and I don't know why - poss missed a high speed. Anyways, everything just froze on the runways and taxi ways until ATC cleared everybody. I had 3 hours this AM to film and foto at Stapleton, and this was one busy airport - even Aug 1988 standards.


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Impressive overview of a busy scene. I’ve always been fascinated with Stapleton. What a great viewing spot!
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