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Beechcraft Mentor (16-0531) - KRDD - interesting that while the F/A-18s of VFMAT-101 out of MCAS Miramar where at Redding, this fully marked T-34C of VMFAT-101 Sharpshooters plane landed - but did not show an "N" number. April 21st, 2018.
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Beechcraft Mentor (16-0531)


KRDD - interesting that while the F/A-18s of VFMAT-101 out of MCAS Miramar where at Redding, this fully marked T-34C of VMFAT-101 'Sharpshooters' plane landed - but did not show an "N" number. April 21st, 2018.


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Gary Schenauer
Five star catch, T. Also, this one wouldn't have an N number because it is an "active duty" USMC military a/c. VMFAT-101 trains Marine pilots, and there are several T-34s assigned to the unit that are used as spotter aircraft during training exercises. If this one arrived while other 'Sharpshooters' unit fighters were there, it was to join them there - most likely in preparation for an upcoming training sortie or perhaps at the end of one.
Tom VancePhoto Uploader
Allrighty Gman! TYVM - 5* on that comment. I didn't realize it was an active duty T-34 - very kind sir. That helps!
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