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Beechcraft King Air 90 (N80DG) - Off of 32 at Downtown Shreveport. This aircraft was used in the movie, Wondeful World, starring Matthew Broderick. In the movie, it is seen departing and then Broderick deplaning in Senegal. The take-off is runway 32 and the Senegal Airport are both at Shreveports Downtown Airport. And movie magic has the King Air flying from The U.S. to Senegal.
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Beechcraft King Air 90 (N80DG)


Off of 32 at Downtown Shreveport. This aircraft was used in the movie, Wondeful World, starring Matthew Broderick. In the movie, it is seen departing and then Broderick deplaning in Senegal. The take-off is runway 32 and the Senegal Airport are both at Shreveport's Downtown Airport. And movie magic has the King Air flying from The U.S. to Senegal.


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Brandon Richardson
This airplane now sits outside in KTYR. Last I checked, moss was growing in the cowlings. Sad.
Ligma hahagotem
The FAA civil registration N80DG is now assigned to a Cessna Citation X jet. The previous registration of N80DG to this Beechcraft King Air 90 was cancelled on 27 August 2013... but certainly current when the above photo was captured... :-)
j b
Good catch, Ligma.
¿Deseas un historial completo para N80DG a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
12-03-2025 S22TCoolidge Muni ()Falcon Fld () 01:19PM MST 01:55PM MST 0:35
12-03-2025 S22TFalcon Fld ()Coolidge Muni () 12:48PM MST 01:19PM MST 0:31
05-03-2025 S22TPayson ()Falcon Fld () 02:32PM MST 02:55PM MST 0:22
05-03-2025 S22TFalcon Fld ()Payson () 12:17PM MST 01:06PM MST 0:49
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