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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (N436NA) - At Shreveport Regional. I guess the Coast Guard was finished with this C-130 and now it belongs to NASA. It must be doing some kind of test because it comes and goes several times. Look at its last flight and see that it was a 5 hour flight around the perimeter of the state of Louisiana.   a rel=nofollow href=http://flightaware.com/live/flight/NASA436/history/20160819/1310Z/KSHV/KSHVhttp://flightaware.com/live/flight/NASA436/history/20160819/1310Z/KSHV/KSHV/a
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (N436NA)


At Shreveport Regional. I guess the Coast Guard was finished with this C-130 and now it belongs to NASA. It must be doing some kind of test because it comes and goes several times. Look at its last flight and see that it was a 5 hour flight around the perimeter of the state of Louisiana. http://flightaware.com/live/flight/NASA436/history/20160819/1310Z/KSHV/KSHV


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Michael McMurtrey
No doubt the flagship of Obama's Gun Confiscation Task Force. :-)
Alan Brown
Since the Coast Guard does a lot of search and rescue work, I can imagine that it has done a lot of work in LA in the last couple of work.
Leslie Pickett
I'm sure they have but this belongs to NASA now and I'm sure will be repainted to match NASA's other C-130's. The blue, white, and chrome that most NASA aircraft are painted in.
Harve Toledano
Semper Paratus!!! What a great A/C
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