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TEMCO Swift (N3796K) - Globe Swift shares the ramp with the AAL DC-3
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TEMCO Swift (N3796K)


Globe Swift shares the ramp with the AAL DC-3


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ian mcdonell
Nice pairing in a nice photo thanks Sacha
Paul Wisgerhof
Great shot from the days of polished versus painted aluminum. Does KMMI have an aviation museum or was this just two great old birds on the ramp at the same time?
Sacha BotbolPhoto Uploader
Paul, KMMI is home to the Swift Museum, this was at the recent National meetup which attracted some exceptional visitors.
marylou anderson
I love the look of the polished aluminum!
Very Classy!
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29-12-2024 GC1Bay Minette Muni ()Bay Minette Muni () 09:45AM CST 10:41AM CST (?) 0:55
22-12-2024 GC1Bay Minette Muni ()Bay Minette Muni () 08:48AM CST 09:56AM CST (?) 1:07
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