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Douglas DC-3 (N156WC) - Super-Turbo-Three N156WC at the Santa Barbara Airport on June 12, 1974. Its Douglas airframe ID was 43193. The Super DC-3 had larger wings and tail surfaces than the DC-3, and its main landing gear were fully enclosed. Although very few Super DC-3s had been purchased by the airlines, the Navy and Marine Corps were retiring several R4D-8s about that time. Note the Viscount engine donor parked at the left.
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Douglas DC-3 (N156WC)


Super-Turbo-Three N156WC at the Santa Barbara Airport on June 12, 1974. Its Douglas airframe ID was 43193. The Super DC-3 had larger wings and tail surfaces than the DC-3, and its main landing gear were fully enclosed. Although very few Super DC-3s had been purchased by the airlines, the Navy and Marine Corps were retiring several R4D-8s about that time. Note the Viscount engine donor parked at the left.


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Conroy re-engined this Super DC-3 and I guess also a couple of "Classic" DC-3s with RR Dart turboprops but they did not appeal to potential buyers, possibly fuel consumption and long TO distances were not acceptable. Later Basler Aviation has converted several DC-3s to the BT-67 version using PT6 turboprops some of which being Gunships (a la AC-130 Hércules). I wonder what Donald Douglas would have thought abut this.
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