BOEING 747-100 (N905NA)
The space shuttle orbiter Columbia OV-102 was delivered to Air Force Plant 42 at Palmdale, California on Saturday, September 25, 1999 on the back of Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) N905NA. It was housed at Boeing's Orbiter Assembly Facility during an eightteen-month orbiter maintenance down period.
Great photo. Now one can also see what the shuttle looks like after re-entering our atmosphere and enduring intense temperatures in access of 1500°C.
N905NA is on display at Space Center Houston with the replica shuttle Independence mounted on its back.
Had the pleasure several years ago, along with my youngest son, to board a 747 ferrying the shuttle back to the Kennedy Space Center. It landed in Huntsville, AL and was parked on the back side of the airport. We were part of a group from NASA that got to enter the 747 and see the inside of the plane as well as a visit to the cockpit. My son got to sit in the co-pilots seat for a few minutes and a look out the window to show how high up off the ground we were. The steel beams in the cabin area of the plane are what the shuttle is attached to. You can see if the picture the front and rear anchor points. It was a sight to see!!
¿Deseas un historial completo para N905NA a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha | Aeronave | Origen | Destino | Salida | Llegada | Duración |
07-03-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Cláudio, MG | Cerca de Inhaúma, MG | First seen 03:25PM -03 | Last seen 03:53PM -03 | 0:28 |
07-03-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Varginha, Minas Gerais | Cerca de Campo Belo, Minas Gerais | First seen 02:44PM -03 | Last seen 02:58PM -03 | 0:13 |
04-03-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Campo Belo, Minas Gerais | Cerca de Varginha, Minas Gerais | First seen 04:29PM -03 | Last seen 04:43PM -03 | 0:13 |
04-03-2025 | B741 | Fazenda Vereda (SWDV) | Cerca de Divinópolis, MG | 03:45PM -03 | Last seen 04:07PM -03 | 0:22 |
03-03-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Sete Lagoas, MG | Cerca de Inhaúma, MG | First seen 05:41PM -03 | Last seen 06:11PM -03 | 0:29 |
03-03-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Sete Lagoas, MG | Cerca de Sete Lagoas, MG | First seen 08:52AM -03 | Last seen 09:20AM -03 | 0:28 |
27-02-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais | Helicentro BH (SJLY) | First seen 05:10PM -03 | 05:37PM -03 | 0:26 |
27-02-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais | Montes Claros (MOC / SBMK) | First seen 03:05PM -03 | 03:15PM -03 | 0:10 |
27-02-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Sete Lagoas, MG | Cerca de Curvelo, MG | First seen 01:29PM -03 | Last seen 01:56PM -03 | 0:26 |
27-02-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Sete Lagoas, MG | Cerca de Sete Lagoas, MG | First seen 08:41AM -03 | Last seen 08:46AM -03 | 0:04 |
27-02-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais | Cerca de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais | First seen 07:21AM -03 | Last seen 07:21AM -03 | n/a |
26-02-2025 | B741 | Cerca de Nova Lima, MG | Montes Claros (MOC / SBMK) | First seen 01:17PM -03 | 03:10PM -03 | 1:53 |
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