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Boeing 747-200 (92-9000) - Boeing VC-25A 92-9000 "Air Force One" landed at Phoenix Sky Harbor just before 4:00 oclock on August 22, 2017.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Boeing 747-200 (92-9000)


Boeing VC-25A 92-9000 "Air Force One" landed at Phoenix Sky Harbor just before 4:00 o'clock on August 22, 2017.


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Russell Brown
Nice photo! Where did you take it from? T4 parking?
Brian LockettPhoto Uploader
Yes T4.
Pablo Rogina
Being a little picky, are you positive Commander In Chief was onboard the airplane? If not, not call sign "Air Force One" then.
Richard Ashley
God Bless President Donald J Trump and the United States of America
France Davis
God help the United States of America under President Donald J Trump!
Randy Marco
Please help educate the ignorant Dolts that perpetrated Trump on the United States of America!
Leon Artac
Yes he was. He was in PHX on the 22nd. Ever look at the news? The other photo of 92000 looks like PHX as well.
Brian LockettPhoto Uploader
Pablo Rogina: The use of the call sign Air Force One is appropriate for this picture.
Did you need "special permission" to be that close? I understand that sometimes the areas around airports are cleared two hours prior to the President's arrival.
Brian LockettPhoto Uploader
FilmAvPhotographer: No, I just drove to an upper level of the Terminal 4 parking lot.
A neat opportunity, thanks for the info.!


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