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BOEING 747-100 (N905NA) - Boeing 747-SCA N905NA takes off from Runway 04 with Enterprise at the beginning of the fourth Approach and Landing Test (ALT-4) at 8:00 A.M. on October 12, 1977. The American Airlines heritage of the 747-SCA was still apparent. Its Boeing construction number is 20107. It made its first flight on October 15, 1970 and was delivered to American Airlines as 747-123 N9668 two weeks later.
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BOEING 747-100 (N905NA)


Boeing 747-SCA N905NA takes off from Runway 04 with Enterprise at the beginning of the fourth Approach and Landing Test (ALT-4) at 8:00 A.M. on October 12, 1977. The American Airlines heritage of the 747-SCA was still apparent. Its Boeing construction number is 20107. It made its first flight on October 15, 1970 and was delivered to American Airlines as 747-123 N9668 two weeks later.


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Colin Seftel
Now on display carrying the replica Shuttle "Independence" at Space Center Houston.
According to Wikipedia, this was ALT-15 (next to last ALT flight) and was "Free flight #4" (first of two without tailcone).
Leon Kay
Thank you for a great photo and very informative comment.
Thank you great photo
Brian LockettPhoto Uploader
ALT stands for Approach and Landing Test. Despite what Wikipedia claims, there were only five ALT flights. They were preceded by ten captive flights that were not referred to as ALT flights.
One of the coolest shots on Flightaware.!
Chris Partin
¿Deseas un historial completo para N905NA a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
07-03-2025 B741Cerca de Cláudio, MGCerca de Inhaúma, MG First seen 03:25PM -03 Last seen 03:53PM -03 0:28
07-03-2025 B741Cerca de Varginha, Minas GeraisCerca de Campo Belo, Minas Gerais First seen 02:44PM -03 Last seen 02:58PM -03 0:13
04-03-2025 B741Cerca de Campo Belo, Minas GeraisCerca de Varginha, Minas Gerais First seen 04:29PM -03 Last seen 04:43PM -03 0:13
04-03-2025 B741Fazenda Vereda ()Cerca de Divinópolis, MG 03:45PM -03 Last seen 04:07PM -03 0:22
03-03-2025 B741Cerca de Sete Lagoas, MGCerca de Inhaúma, MG First seen 05:41PM -03 Last seen 06:11PM -03 0:29
03-03-2025 B741Cerca de Sete Lagoas, MGCerca de Sete Lagoas, MG First seen 08:52AM -03 Last seen 09:20AM -03 0:28
27-02-2025 B741Cerca de Montes Claros, Minas GeraisHelicentro BH () First seen 05:10PM -03 05:37PM -03 0:26
27-02-2025 B741Cerca de Montes Claros, Minas GeraisMontes Claros () First seen 03:05PM -03 03:15PM -03 0:10
27-02-2025 B741Cerca de Sete Lagoas, MGCerca de Curvelo, MG First seen 01:29PM -03 Last seen 01:56PM -03 0:26
27-02-2025 B741Cerca de Sete Lagoas, MGCerca de Sete Lagoas, MG First seen 08:41AM -03 Last seen 08:46AM -03 0:04
27-02-2025 B741Cerca de Montes Claros, Minas GeraisCerca de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais First seen 07:21AM -03 Last seen 07:21AM -03 n/a
26-02-2025 B741Cerca de Nova Lima, MGMontes Claros () First seen 01:17PM -03 03:10PM -03 1:53
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