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16-9790 —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

16-9790 —



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Tom Glass
GREAT Shot, wish it was an F22!
Dave Sheehy
Hot breath! Nice shot Dan!
Colin Seftel
ICAO code is F35, which applies to the A, B and C versions.
Well done!
Michael Hultmann
Awesome shot👏
Who put up that giant piece of textured glass off the back of the taxiway...AWESOME capture...
Great pic...looks like they just drove through the stargate...lol
John Fahey
Too much money for t oo little of an increase in BANG
JuanJose Porta
Awesome pic!!!
Donald Geddes
Here we go again. Another picture with no useful description of what it is.
Steven Miller
Certainly has some interesting bumps and curves. I'm curious about the purpose of the pinched area between the leading edge lift devices and the fuselage. I suppose it has to do with aerodynamic efficiency but it surely doesn't "look" aerodynamic.
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