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Beechcraft Bonanza (36) (N4GA)
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Beechcraft Bonanza (36) (N4GA)



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Paul Wisgerhof
One of the more well known Bonanzas around. It belongs to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association in Fredrick, Maryland.
Subtle tail number there... N4GA. "For General Aviation". Nice.
¿Deseas un historial completo para N4GA a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
10-03-2025 BE36Dayton/Wright Brothers ()Frederick Muni () 09:46AM EDT 11:37AM EDT 1:50
08-03-2025 BE36Frederick Muni ()Dayton/Wright Brothers () 02:25PM EST 04:52PM EST 2:26
08-03-2025 BE36Warrenton/Fauquier ()Frederick Muni () 12:33PM EST 01:04PM EST 0:31
08-03-2025 BE36Frederick Muni ()Warrenton/Fauquier () 09:14AM EST 09:43AM EST 0:29
07-03-2025 BE36Hagerstown Rgnl ()Frederick Muni () 09:54AM EST 10:44AM EST 0:49
07-03-2025 BE36Frederick Muni ()Hagerstown Rgnl () 07:58AM EST 08:17AM EST 0:19
28-02-2025 BE36Int'l Piedmont Triad ()Frederick Muni () 01:26PM EST 03:04PM EST 1:37
28-02-2025 BE36Frederick Muni ()Int'l Piedmont Triad () 08:40AM EST 10:09AM EST 1:29
26-02-2025 BE36Montgomery County Airpark ()Frederick Muni () 04:09PM EST 04:20PM EST 0:10
26-02-2025 BE36Frederick Muni ()Montgomery County Airpark () 08:58AM EST 09:11AM EST 0:13
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