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Airbus A380-800 (D-AIML)
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Airbus A380-800 (D-AIML)



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Hugh Kelso
Beautifully composed shot! Such great timing, Uwe, how do you do it?
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Hi Hugh!

here in Frankfurt we have a lot 0f B 747 and A 380.
If the air is clear you can tkae such pics every day, waiting for the right noment and snap!!

greetings Uwe!
A.Levent Bekdik
Two giants in the same sceene, but still B 747 my Gentle Giant. This is awesome shot, thanks for sharing.
David Ingram
Nice shot from the old Rhine Main side. When stationed down the road at Wiesbaden, I used to find excuses to linger on trips to Rhein Main. Seeing the variety of military and commercial aircraft there was a treat. The giants then were C141, C5, C133, Super8, and the then new 747.
Rich Boddy
One of these things is better than the other.
Tom Keliher
Awesome photo!
marylou anderson
Nice composition.
Lufthansa Heavies
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you Tom!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you A.
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Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
04-02-2025 A388Int'l Indira Gandhi ()Int'l de Munich-Franz Josef Strauss () 02:31AM IST 05:41AM CET 7:39
03-02-2025 A388Int'l de Munich-Franz Josef Strauss ()Int'l Indira Gandhi () 01:02PM CET 12:33AM IST (+1) 7:01
02-02-2025 A388Int'l Indira Gandhi ()Int'l de Munich-Franz Josef Strauss () 02:44AM IST 05:53AM CET 7:39
01-02-2025 A388Int'l de Munich-Franz Josef Strauss ()Int'l Indira Gandhi () 12:46PM CET 11:52PM IST 6:35
27-01-2025 A388Int'l Suvarnabhumi ()Int'l de Munich-Franz Josef Strauss () 11:48PM +07 05:01AM CET (+1) 11:12
26-01-2025 A388Int'l de Munich-Franz Josef Strauss ()Int'l Suvarnabhumi () 11:00PM CET 02:54PM +07 (+1) 9:53
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