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Douglas DC-3 (N17334)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Douglas DC-3 (N17334)



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sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
Aircraft taxied out, turned a little early, everyone ran out of the way, I stayed put because I wanted the shot. Lost my hat in the process, blew about 100 yards away. But worth it. My camera was zoomed out for this shot, about 35mm.
Charles Gaynor
Beautiful shot of the true Great Lady of the Sky! Thank you, Sam. Do you sell prints or files?
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
Charles I do, contact me at [email protected] or find me on FB
roland pfeifer
Who is going to take off first, the man or the GOONY BIRD. MY money is on the BIRD
Don Lynch
Worth all the work you put into this shot.....
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
Don, def worth it.
dan brite
love the p-51 in the background
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
That mustang in the background is Pecos Bill, gorgeous p-51
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