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Lockheed L-1011 TriStar (N334EA) - scanned from postcard
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Lockheed L-1011 TriStar (N334EA)


scanned from postcard


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Louis Holder
Nice photo Sam. I've refueled this beauty many times at KATL many times in the late 80's. Those were the days.
Beautiful shot Sam! By the way, I checked to see how many Beech Queenairs are currently on the market. Only one! An A65 built in 1968, currently in Arkansas.
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
Chris I love the 65s. Always a treat to see. Saw one at osh and it was gorgeous.
terry gersdorf
Brings back so many wonderful memories of actually flying this a/c, w/ this tail number
Lars Honan
Beautiful shot- I have many hours in that one- I've flown all the boeings and the L1011 still lands the best - shame their all gone
Richard Sucher
That particular craft almost was a disaster. https://aviation-safety.net/database/record.php?id=19830505-2
Thanks for the link Richard. A close call, I am surprised that it happened as late as 1983, by which time the L1011 had been in service for a decade. I am also surprised that I had forgotten about this incident. That year, I was a new and very junior first officer on the F27. This incident would have been a hot topic of conversation in our pilot crew room at SYD. The more senior guys were crewing the B727, B737 and also the Lockheed L188 Electra which was in cargo configuration by that time. We would have loved to have had some 1011s as well...
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