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McDonnell Douglas DC-8-60 (C-FTIQ) - August 1971 - "Rotate" - departure on rwy 06L at Dorval.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

McDonnell Douglas DC-8-60 (C-FTIQ)


August 1971 - "Rotate" - departure on rwy 06L at Dorval.


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C.W. Reed
I think Air Canada should bring back this livery! 5 stars! thank you pelican! Cheers!!
ian mcdonell
Great historical photo thanks
Jim Costello
I am filled with thrills at the sight of this big old bird in majestic livery. CWR + JC ad idem.
Michael Bishop
I agree, C.W.! This is the best livery ever, way better than their grim new black and white effort.
Ryan Kehler
Beautiful aircraft and there’s no doubt that Air Canada should go back to the red and white, like our flag.
Edward Ludwig
My first overseas tour to the ROK was on a World Airways DC8-60. Beautiful aircraft!
William Garcia
Martin Coddington
"60" was a series but not a model. This looks like a 63 but without a closer look at the engines, hard to say.

A neat picture of one of Douglas' best.
Paul Marcil Sr
A gorgeous airplane - had to do air starts (gave me goose bumps every time) - two were lost I believe - one in Ste Therese and the other in Ottawa
Bill Mortensen
Another vote for a return to this AC livery!
The DC-8 series airframes were built like tanks.
We were on a Trans International Airlines Charter, TIA DC-8-63, on final at Bangor, ME (ATL-BGR), July 1975, fully loaded at MTOW.
We were at about 20' above the runway when the aircrew activated the thrust reversers.
We sunk immediately and incurred a very heavy impact first on the left mains, then right, then left.
I was in right isle seat and I remember being swung maximally over the left armrest and looked at all other aisle passengers in front of me in same position, hearing other passenger heads hitting the left cabin wall, then, the opposite side, then back to the left side.
It was just a refuel stopover, so, we exited the airplane after much talk about the hard landing.
I diverted out of the line to the terminal to the left mains, and, they were with full tread, apparently new tires, but, there were bald spots across all four of the left main tires right down and deep into the cords.
I was shocked at the damage as a teenager.
Then, when we took off from BGR and landed in Bergen, Norway (BGO), both taking off and landing, the main tires were so loud from being bald and thumping all the way from the terminal to airborne, etc., that I'll never forget it.
I remember then and still think that Donald Douglas Sr. built those Douglas airframes TOUGH!
This is a DC-8=63.
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Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
07-02-2025 AT43Hall Beach ()Iqaluit () 03:59PM EST 05:39PM EST 1:40
07-02-2025 AT43Iqaluit ()Hall Beach () 12:12PM EST 01:44PM EST 1:32
06-02-2025 AT43Arctic Bay ()Iqaluit () 01:56PM CST 05:24PM EST 2:28
06-02-2025 AT43Iqaluit ()Arctic Bay () 08:35AM EST 10:01AM CST 2:26
05-02-2025 AT43Resolute Bay ()Iqaluit () 04:30PM CST 09:01PM EST 3:31
05-02-2025 AT43Iqaluit ()Arctic Bay () 12:49PM EST 02:12PM CST 2:23
04-02-2025 AT45Hall Beach ()Iqaluit () 04:45PM EST 06:24PM EST 1:39
04-02-2025 AT43Iqaluit ()Igloolik () 01:25PM EST 03:08PM EST 1:43
03-02-2025 AT43Pond Inlet ()Iqaluit () 06:50PM EST 08:54PM EST 2:04
03-02-2025 AT43Iqaluit ()Pond Inlet () 03:40PM EST 05:48PM EST 2:08
02-02-2025 AT43Cape Dorset ()Iqaluit () 12:52PM EST 01:44PM EST 0:52
02-02-2025 AT43Iqaluit ()Cape Dorset () 11:14AM EST 12:06PM EST 0:52
01-02-2025 AT43Qikiqtarjuaq ()Iqaluit () 01:36PM EST 02:44PM EST 1:08
01-02-2025 AT43Iqaluit ()Qikiqtarjuaq () 11:42AM EST 12:49PM EST (?) 1:07
31-01-2025 AT43Pond Inlet ()Iqaluit () 04:18PM EST 06:25PM EST 2:07
31-01-2025 AT43Iqaluit ()Pond Inlet () 01:20PM EST 03:42PM EST (?) 2:22
30-01-2025 AT43Arctic Bay ()Iqaluit () 01:17PM CST 04:53PM EST 2:36
30-01-2025 AT43Iqaluit ()Arctic Bay () 08:23AM EST 09:48AM CST 2:25
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