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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N529B) - FIFI the B-29 Superfortress from the Commemorative Air Force as seen from a low and over pass while static at Gatineau Airport.  Taken in the morning on July 30, 2018 before she departed to Peterborough, Ontario.
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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N529B)


FIFI the B-29 Superfortress from the Commemorative Air Force as seen from a low and over pass while static at Gatineau Airport. Taken in the morning on July 30, 2018 before she departed to Peterborough, Ontario.


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Andre Blanchard
I will be taking a close look at it at Peterborough (CYPQ) later today.
ken kemper
Awesome Photo Dean.........

Missed her at Oshkosh & Appleton
gwapo santa
nice Pic father was Pilot Capt @ RAF Coningsby LINCS in 50's SQN 149
Tim Segulin
Great angle you almost never see on this big classic aircraft.
Ken Hardy
When airplanes were airplanes and pilots were not video game players
Leon Kay
Thank you for a nice photo and informative comment.
Frank Chambers
Nice photo with a different view.
Charles Gaynor
FiFi is a real Lady! My daughter and I flew with her at KALB. Flight of a lifetime!!! Hats off to the Commemorative Air Force. Thank You for your service!!!
Maurice Grenier
Wooowwww what a nice picture of that big machine ...
Awesome shot! Got to see her at Gatineau a few days before you!
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