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N4469 — - Ich stand am Zaun der Immelmann Kaserne in Schleswig-Jagel und habe das Foto direkt nach einem heftigen Gewitter aufgenommenen.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

N4469 —


Ich stand am Zaun der Immelmann Kaserne in Schleswig-Jagel und habe das Foto direkt nach einem heftigen Gewitter aufgenommenen.


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terry kelsey
Interesting! German AF insignia, stars & stripes on the tail, and that N number belongs to a piston engine tail dragger.
A small amount of research, indicates that this Tornado is a repaint as part of Air Defender 23, in which 25 countries trained in (NATO) Air Operations over Europe under command of the German Air force.
Michael Wulfsohn
Finally a tornado on this webpage!
David Seider
Quote (Google Translate): "I was standing at the fence of the Immelmann
barracks in Schleswig-Jagel and took the photo right after a heavy

Specifically, this is a Tornado IDS, coded 44+69
¿Deseas un historial completo para N4469 a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
11-01-2025 HUSKCerca de Dalhart, TXDalhart Muni () First seen 09:12AM CST Last seen 10:11AM CST 0:58
11-01-2025 HUSKDalhart Muni ()Dalhart Muni () 08:06AM CST 08:55AM CST (?) 0:48
04-01-2025 HUSKCerca de Dalhart, TXDalhart Muni () First seen 05:08PM CST Last seen 05:30PM CST 0:21
03-01-2025 HUSKCerca de Dalhart, TXCerca de Dalhart, TX First seen 05:59PM CST Last seen 06:32PM CST 0:32
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