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Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V (N608CL)
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Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V (N608CL)



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Chuck Pergiel
What's the deal with the concrete pad?
Musta paid for "special parking".
Al Miller
My surmise is that either/and the concrete is more resilient against petroleum or solvent spills than is the asphalt or the concrete won't develop divots under the tires in the extreme heat of the southern Nevada summers. Probably both.
Diana Rose
Where's the wingtip?
Keeps it from sinking into the asphalt on a hot day. 91,000 pounds GW. Same for skid helicopters.
She's actually 40 per cent heavier than the 70 pax F28 that I had the privilege of flying many moons ago! But then we had a tiny fraction of her fuel range...


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