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N154MW — - Newly Overhauled Propeller with matching paint.
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N154MW —


Newly Overhauled Propeller with matching paint.


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Fazal Khan
Samuel Bixler
Type designator is WACF. Please don't make them up.

Beautiful paint job!
YMF5 is Waco's model designator for this aircraft. 'Y' stands for a 225hp Jacobs engine; 'M' is the style of the wings used, and 'F' stands for a 3-seat open cockpit model. The '5' is for a minor variation.

Of course, over the years there were lots of variations in the model designators, just to confuse things!

Beautiful airplane - would love to see more photos!
jesse kyzer
Weaver Aircraft Company (WACO) Constructed as a YMF5C-8-154) 2018?
JACOBS R-755A2M Horsepower: 300
The ICAO type designator is WACF. The manufacturer's model is YMF5.
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