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C-FLYL — - JRM Martin Mars from Goose
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JRM Martin Mars from Goose


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ken kemper
Fantastic Photo Juergen.

Beats everything i took at EAA Oshkosh last week.

Excuse me, but I am prtty sure that is not Grumman Goose; rather it is a Martin Mars, one of the largest seaplanes ever in production
gary messinetti
Not a Grumman Goose. The next pic in flightaware is though!
That is a Martin Mars, not a Grumman Goose.........
Me thinks the poster got pictures Misconstrued..this is C-FLYL Martin Mars
Jerry Rader
May be one of the greatest photos of the Hawaii Mars that has ever been made. Love the angle. It may be picking up water for a forest fire bomb drop.
Gordon Seibold
Sorry, but the aircraft displayed as a Grummman Goose is a Martin Mars. It did operate as a water dropper in Canada Bye, Gordon
Richard Harkness
WOW ! Somebody has this one way off. This picture is of a JRM Martin Mars.
I remember seeing a show on TV, (Discovery Channel or similar) featuring the fire fighting company and their Martin Mars. This is probably the same aircraft. Anyone else see that show?
Mark See
skyhawkrg, the show was called "Mighty Planes" and I saw it on the Smithsonian Channel a while back. The shows were documentaries and they did them on a number of planes both civil and military.

Juergen PuetterPhoto Uploader
It is indeed the Hawaii JRM Martin Mars.
Photo taken from Goose G-YVG piloted by Juergen Puetter and shot by Heath Moffatt.
Mars was doing a run up prior to take-off on Sproat lake in BC, Canada
Seem unable to change the heading once photo was posted..
John Giambone
Awesome Shot!
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