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Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (VH-EAG) - Wings over Illawarra 2016 Australia.
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Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (VH-EAG)


Wings over Illawarra 2016 Australia.


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Hugh Somsen
Gorgeous! Thank you Hoawrd Hughes!
jim garrity
Hope you got to go inside?
spencer burris
There's a 121 berthed at a museum in Topeka, KS that has fallen into bad repair, but unlikely it will ever be restored. I remember when they first got it, it flew in, probably from Arizona, and the fuel cost was unbelievable at that time. Sure is painful to see it rotting away...
Michael Hoare
I get to go inside this beauty every day of the week if I am volunteering at the HARS Museum.Such a beautiful aircraft inside and out and she is a very smokey lady on start up plus it has the flame out of each exhaust which is great at showtime :).what is more amazing is the dedication and effort put in by HARS volunteer engineeers to restore and then fly her home to Sydney.
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