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Boeing Dreamlifter (N249BA)
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Boeing Dreamlifter (N249BA)



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Temple Brown
So the 747 just wasn't Big enough??? LoL! Gotta love it.
Michael Wulfsohn
I feel sorry for it... Its been forced into cruel servitude and involuntary obesity! Its not a very "happy"looking 747 (100 or 200?).
frank theriault
Jumbo on steroids. LOL!
Andre Blanchard
It has a major gas bubble ;) Great pic for sure
Monster plane!
Bob Hackney
This ac started service as a -400. This & three other -400s were modified to (LCFs) Large Cargo Freighters to transport Boeing 787 structural sections (wings, fuselage sections, etc.) from Italy, Charleston, Wichita & Japan) to the 787 assembly lines in Charleston & Everett. ac tail #s N747BC, N780BA, N749 BA & N718BA
Bob Hackney
one more time ...this s/b ac N249BA
¿Deseas un historial completo para N249BA a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
10-03-2025 B744Int'l Ted Stevens Anchorage ()Charleston Intl/AFB () 02:41PM AKDT 02:40AM EDT (+1) Carreteando
07-03-2025 B744Int'l Ted Stevens Anchorage ()Charleston Intl/AFB () 10:32PM AKST 09:00AM EST (+1) 6:28
06-03-2025 B744Nagoya-Chubu Centrair ()Int'l Ted Stevens Anchorage () 02:55PM JST 03:21AM AKST 6:26
26-02-2025 B744Int'l Ted Stevens Anchorage ()Nagoya-Chubu Centrair () 08:49AM AKST 10:19AM JST (+1) 7:30
26-02-2025 BLCFCharleston Intl/AFB ()Int'l Ted Stevens Anchorage () 03:10AM EST 06:41AM AKST 7:31
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