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Raytheon Texan 2 (N2858B) - Using ferry reg N2858B
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Raytheon Texan 2 (N2858B)


Using ferry reg N2858B


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Paul Wisgerhof
Just a guess, but he probably flew from Goose to Narsarsuaq, Greenland, to Keflavik to Glascow.
Fabian Dirscherl
nice pic
This example is one of 10 units going to the UK for Military Pilot Training (apparently they were not bought outright but rather taken on a leasing contract; can anyone clarify this). Noteworthy they are replacing some old Embraer Tucano 1 that the RAF bought several years ago.
zimbo1956Photo Uploader
Paul, yes Started KBEC to KDSM then CYOW to CYYR according to Flightaware.
Chalet-Owned by Affinity Flying Services to train the pilots. They are also allocated UK civil registration.
Thanks for nice comments.
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