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SINGAPORE TA-4 Super Skyhawk (N49WH)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

SINGAPORE TA-4 Super Skyhawk (N49WH)



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Don't think you got it right - the "T" in TA-4 stood for the "Training" variant of the Douglas A-4. I was stationed at NAS Kingsville 1969 - 71 and we flew the TA-4J in 3 Squadrons VT-21, VT-22 & VT-23 -- all of our TA-4J's were the 2 seat version. A-4 yes, TA-4 -- Not.
Do trainers have single seats? And, if this is taken in Singapore would that be at Seletar and not Chiangi?? It doesn't look like Chiangi airport. I gave up flying light aircraft while living in Singapore. The island is an armed camp and flying out of country next to an impossibility (surrounded by Malaysia & Indonesia).
C W Currier
Not a TA-4; Not N8609. I have flown both a TA-4J and N8609, an Eastern Airlines DC8-21. Great shot of an A-4C, BuNo 148609, though!
C W Currier
This A4, apparently, began life as Douglas/Goessling A-4B and is currently owned by Warbird Heritage Foundation, registration N49WH. Its livery is as a VA-76 A-4C, BuNo 148609. Photo taken at Oshkosh (KOSH) during its appearance at Air Venture 2010? YIP 2011?
Jeff HuntPhoto Uploader
I am the photographer and I listed it as an A-4B with reg # N49WH and for some reason this designation was changed by the host sight.I can tell you this photo was taken at the 2013 Thunder Over Michigan Air Show at Willow Run airport in Ypsilanti Michigan .
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