110 Votos (4.92 Promedio) y 9.976 Vistas  

Douglas DC-6 (N7780B)
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Douglas DC-6 (N7780B)



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Tom Glass
Why would someone not click the 5th star?
The voting feature on this site is just pathetic and should be removed. Usually, a posted comment will render you some votes. The site will take suggestions from members on anything but their I.T. department crashes any suggestions. I tossed a vote on it only because I went to comments today. Nice vintage aircraft from King.
John Giambone
Fantastic series of shots of thix Six King. Thanks for posting them!
Diana Rose
The props! Camera settings!
I hope dead-cliff & the rest of his clan get what they deserve, instant bad karma.
James Hicks
What a beauty. I made several trips in them in the 50's under Delta markings--even before they merged with Chicago and Southern to briefly become Delta C & S.
ken kemper
Low & Gear Up...........

Nice series of DC-6 Pics.
Pat Cook
I remember be a pax on a DC-6 ANC/SEA -- 8 hrs.
Breck Adams
Another great bird from Douglas. My first carrier at the age of 12. As a kid, loved all the flames coming aft of the exhausts. Great airplane!!
¿Deseas un historial completo para N7780B a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
12-03-2025 UnknownCerca de Sparrevohn, AKInt'l de Fairbanks () 03:25PM AKDT 04:49PM AKDT 1:24
12-03-2025 UnknownKenai Muni ()Cerca de Port Alsworth, AK 01:43PM AKDT Last seen 02:01PM AKDT 0:18
12-03-2025 UnknownCerca de Crooked Creek, AKCerca de Kenai, AK First seen 11:36AM AKDT 12:39PM AKDT 1:03
12-03-2025 UnknownInt'l de Fairbanks ()Cerca de Takotna, AK 09:23AM AKDT Last seen 10:36AM AKDT 1:12
12-03-2025 UnknownInt'l de Fairbanks ()Int'l de Fairbanks () 08:18AM AKDT 08:23AM AKDT 0:05
11-03-2025 UnknownCerca de Fairbanks/Ft Wainwright, AKInt'l de Fairbanks () 02:57PM AKDT 03:26PM AKDT 0:28
11-03-2025 UnknownInt'l de Fairbanks ()Cerca de Fairbanks/Ft Wainwright, AK 12:52PM AKDT Last seen 01:14PM AKDT 0:22
11-03-2025 UnknownCerca de Fairbanks/Ft Wainwright, AKInt'l de Fairbanks () 11:14AM AKDT 11:43AM AKDT 0:29
11-03-2025 UnknownInt'l de Fairbanks ()Cerca de Fairbanks/Ft Wainwright, AK 08:45AM AKDT Last seen 09:07AM AKDT 0:21
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