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Antonov An-2 (UR-HAV)
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Antonov An-2 (UR-HAV)



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Paul Wisgerhof
This one is probably older than most of the readers here.
Jean-Jacques BLIN
J'en ai un version FSX (Flight Simulator) qui est super bien modélisé. Pour le démarrer, c'est vraiment toute une histoire...La pompe a côté du siège, etc...etc...Sinon, pas de ddémarrage...lol
Le roulage au sol est aussi très folklo!
Colin Seftel
In production from 1947 to 2001 and more than 18,000 built.
Colin Seftel
JJ, mais, incapable de caler!
hans beator
Schoenes Foto aus Ballenstedt.Dort habe ich mit meiner Frau einpaarmal auf dem Campingplatz gestanden.Und die Antonov bestaunt
Bror Monberg
Very nice pic of this iconic A/C. It's one husky airplane. Nicely designed for the rugged Soviet 'Outback.'
Bror Monberg
Very nice pic of this iconic A/C. It's one husky airplane. Nicely designed for the rugged Soviet 'Outback.'
Andrew Canady
Want one
But not all, Paul.
a mentor
@midcon07 nice to see I'm not alone :-)
Dave Jones
I saw one of these fly backwards past the Abbotsford Tower. There was a big wind. The AN2 flew past the tower and then throttled way back. It drifted backwards by the tower and then put the power on to go past the tower for the third time.
Gavin Hughes
Saw a Turbo-Beaver do that once - 50 kt head wind, 45 kt stall speed. It was on purpose and fortunate enough on the day that the pilot could demonstrate the capability. Damn hard standing there watching it!
serge LOTH
Not me PAUL!!!! It's a real truck!!! to fly as well...
serge LOTH
@midcon07 … welcome to the club, pal!!
serge LOTH
@midcon07 … welcome to the club, pal!!
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