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Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer (N19FN)
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Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer (N19FN)



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Ken Mitchell
Definitely not a TRI-Pacer.
Chase FranzenPhoto Uploader
It actually is a Tri Pacer - I'm the owner. :)

It's a PA-22 (tri pacer) that was converted to conventional gear. The conversion doesn't change the fact that it's a PA-22. Some owners/conversions call their plane a "PA22/PA20" to recognize the conversion to a "Pacer." That doesn't change the airworthiness or registration, though - still a Tri Pacer.

I do call myself "Pacer 19FN," though!
serge LOTH
I m surprised to see a Tri PAcer with landing lights... One of my good friends has a PAcer in Vermont..
the owner anyway lost its way .. why on route 66 and not on aproper airfield ?
Love the RUNWAY brilliant.
Al Miller
I would like to hear the story behind the photo.
maurice Laborde
belle photo, merci!
It’s at Roy’s Motel & Cafe on Route 66 in Amboy, CA. They host an annual fly-in event.
Some pictures here will explain the story. https://visitamboy.com/gallery/
Richard Ashley
Great shot!💓
I know EXACTLY where this was taken!
Andrea Gentilini
Wonderful !!
Donna Yost
Simply beautiful!
hans beator
tolles Foto und eine interessante Geschichte
Steven H Wilcox
Great photo! Come on guys, you can STILL get your kicks on Route 66!


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