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de Havilland Dash 8-100 (14-2804)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño real

de Havilland Dash 8-100 (14-2804)



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Mike Couves
Nice shot! I had the privilege of meeting this bird in person. They were kind of touchy about pictures and cockpit tours, so this really caught my eye this morning. Thanks.
David Ingram
A Snoopy pup?
Dash 8 modification officially known in the RCAF as the CT-142, unofficially as the “Gonzo” used as a navigation trainer.
William Owens
Very cool shot !
I love the general appearance of this design. As an old guy, I really appreciate these aircraft that harken back to the early day, especially the 1940s.
Dan Drimmie
She does get around...nice pic. I took some pix of her on the ground at YKF Region of Waterloo International, a few years ago. RCAF has a history of painting black ie the RCAF CF101 Voodoo (EW) now on a pedestal at CFB North Bay ON.
serge LOTH
Super CAnadian livery!! bravo!
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