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de Havilland Dash 8-400 (N439QX) - Horizon's staple airframe gliding down into Boise on a warm May evening
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de Havilland Dash 8-400 (N439QX)


Horizon's staple airframe gliding down into Boise on a warm May evening


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Steven Hill
I like those planes
Alan Hume
They would have to be one of the best looking and svelte turboprop airliners ever made. Makes the ATR72 look dumpy by comparison.
frank theriault
Beautiful light! Quite the lovely aircraft, too. :-)
Arnold Hauswald
My favorite civil airframe by far
David Schneider
It’s surprising the power of this plane on take off.
David Phipps
This is the only passenger plane that I am aware of that did a full loop. https://youtu.be/LeYVtVg6aGs
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