29 Votos (4.62 Promedio) y 9.293 Vistas  

Airbus A330-200 (N361HA) - Island visitor to Reno-Tahoe International Airport.  Hawaiian Airlines A330 Charter departs RWY 16R for Honolulu.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Airbus A330-200 (N361HA)


Island visitor to Reno-Tahoe International Airport. Hawaiian Airlines A330 Charter departs RWY 16R for Honolulu.


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Gary Schenauer
Bravos, R. R. I was just going thru to see what may have been posted in the RNO folder over the last month or so and I glimpsed this. A superior capture, R.R. Easily a 5* x 2 = 10* click. I was positioned airside a few feet east of Charlie and caught it too. Was going to post one of mine but I like yours with the gear in transit waaay better. Congrats.
I'm going to kick back with a cup of caffeine and take a few minutes to go thru your folder. Do you always position on Peckham or do you set up at any of the other 28 spotting locations? If you do vary your spots, perhaps I'll see you out there and we can link up. There aren't any other spotters of note (there's a kid but the word is out about him so it's best to avoid him if you wish to be welcome at RNO) and there is one other young guy who is very trustworthy and truly devoted to the hobby. If you ever want to write, my email addy is [email protected] Do NOT post your email addy here in COMMENTS; if you do I will not reply. Just write to my gmail addy above and once I am certain you are a serious devotee of this hobby (NOT an ambulance chaser or etc), I'll reply back. And once again, kudos on this pic. Ten * shot.
¿Deseas un historial completo para N361HA a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
15-03-2025 A332Fukuoka ()Int'l de Honolulu () 08:50PM JST 09:05AM HST Programado
14-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Fukuoka () 01:23PM HST 06:35PM JST (+1) Programado
14-03-2025 A332Int'l de Narita ()Int'l de Honolulu () 08:05PM JST 07:42AM HST Programado
13-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Int'l de Narita () 11:48AM HST 04:18PM JST (+1) 9:29
12-03-2025 A332Int'l de Kona ()Int'l de Honolulu () 06:04PM HST 06:36PM HST 0:31
12-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Int'l de Kona () 03:46PM HST 04:18PM HST 0:32
12-03-2025 A332Int'l de Kona ()Int'l de Honolulu () 10:58AM HST 11:37AM HST 0:38
12-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Int'l de Kona () 08:36AM HST 09:07AM HST 0:31
11-03-2025 A332Pago Pago Intl ()Int'l de Honolulu () 11:16PM SST 05:16AM HST (+1) 5:00
11-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Cerca de Palmyra Island Atoll, UM 04:50PM HST 08:12AM UTC (+1) (?) 5:21
11-03-2025 A332Int'l de Seattle-Tacoma ()Int'l de Honolulu () 09:03AM PDT 11:53AM HST 5:50
10-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Int'l de Seattle-Tacoma () 01:28PM HST 09:56PM PDT 5:27
10-03-2025 A332Int'l de Oakland ()Int'l de Honolulu () 08:48AM PDT 10:43AM HST 4:54
09-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Int'l de Oakland () 12:55PM HST 08:51PM PDT 4:56
09-03-2025 A332Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l de Honolulu () 07:10AM PDT 09:36AM HST 5:25
08-03-2025 A332Kahului ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 01:21PM HST 08:05PM PST 4:43
08-03-2025 A332Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Kahului () 07:55AM PST 11:21AM HST 5:25
07-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 10:23PM HST 05:05AM PST (+1) 4:41
07-03-2025 A332Int'l John F. Kennedy ()Int'l de Honolulu () 12:16PM EST 06:02PM HST 10:46
06-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Int'l John F. Kennedy () 05:32PM HST 07:51AM EST (+1) 9:19
06-03-2025 A332Int'l de San Francisco ()Int'l de Honolulu () 07:58AM PST 10:55AM HST 4:57
05-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Int'l de San Francisco () 12:57PM HST 07:32PM PST 4:35
04-03-2025 A332Int'l de Tokio ()Int'l de Honolulu () 09:56PM JST 09:38AM HST 6:41
03-03-2025 A332Int'l de Honolulu ()Int'l de Tokio () 03:06PM HST 07:09PM JST (+1) 9:02
03-03-2025 A332Int'l de Seattle-Tacoma ()Int'l de Honolulu () 07:30AM PST 11:39AM HST 6:09
02-03-2025 A332Kahului ()Int'l de Seattle-Tacoma () 03:31PM HST 10:28PM PST 4:56
02-03-2025 A332Int'l de Seattle-Tacoma ()Kahului () 09:34AM PST 01:04PM HST 5:29
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