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N642 — - Short final to 16R
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

N642 —


Short final to 16R


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frank theriault
Love it! Great light, too, with the sun on the aircraft and the dark clouds in the background.
Alan Brown
Great photo. Glad to see these aircraft are still flying and the new engines help.
Amazing to see how much further forward those PT-6's have to be to make up for the weight difference versus the original P&W R-985's. Great shot!
Bror Monberg
Is this a Grumman Mallard?...Grumman Widgeon? Coast Guard had a base on Biscayne Bay near my HS that flew Albatrosses. Saw water takeoffs and landings daily.
Diana Rose
Could be a Grumman Goose; bird on tail appears to be a goose.
G-21 Goose
Ken Lane
Like the bird and the photo of it!
jesse kyzer
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