133 Votos (4.67 Promedio) y 58.093 Vistas  

— — - Was taking pictures of the Super moon on March 19, 2011 and saw the blinking lights of a plane heading towards the moon. I snapped a series of photos as it crossed in front of the moon, then once I looked at the photos on the computer, noticed there was a second plane flying in front at that exact moment. The shot was handheld with a kit lens so the quality is not 100%, but it's definitely the luckiest photo I've taken.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

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Was taking pictures of the Super moon on March 19, 2011 and saw the blinking lights of a plane heading towards the moon. I snapped a series of photos as it crossed in front of the moon, then once I looked at the photos on the computer, noticed there was a second plane flying in front at that exact moment. The shot was handheld with a kit lens so the quality is not 100%, but it's definitely the luckiest photo I've taken.


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John Gerty
Hand held and a kit lens? Not a bad kit lens. This really gives you perspective on how large the moon is.
Chris Collinsworth
what a great shot sir...
cleared ILS runway 1 approach, the moon


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