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PITTS Special (S-1) (VH-PVB) - Paul Bennet Airshows Wolf Pitts Pro extreme low level stunt flying against a background of explosive generated smoke and flame. Light colored smoke generated by the aircraft itself. Hunter Valley Airshow (Cessnock Airport, New South Wales, Australia), Saturday 13th March 2021. Picture is unaltered or cropped in any way. Luckiest shot I ever took!
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PITTS Special (S-1) (VH-PVB)


Paul Bennet Airshows Wolf Pitts Pro extreme low level stunt flying against a background of explosive generated smoke and flame. Light colored smoke generated by the aircraft itself. Hunter Valley Airshow (Cessnock Airport, New South Wales, Australia), Saturday 13th March 2021. Picture is unaltered or cropped in any way. Luckiest shot I ever took!


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