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North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco (N16854) - An OV-10D+ Bronco operated by the "OV-10 Squadron" out of Chino.
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North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco (N16854)


An OV-10D+ Bronco operated by the "OV-10 Squadron" out of Chino.


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Keith Brown
That has to be a blast to fly as a civilian. And expensive... I know it was used quite a bit in Vietnam, but outside of that, I remember it was pretty much gone from the inventory by the time I was in the Air Force in the 80s. I'm almost certain I got to work a couple as a tower controller though before they retired.
Art Kelly
Read all about it: "A Lonely Kind of War: Forward Air Controller, Vietnam" by Marshall Harrison

"I picked the impact point I wanted for my rocket, then rolled the Bronco almost inverted and let the nose drift down toward the target. Reaching my left hand to the armament panel, I armed one of the four pods of white phosphorous (WP) rockets. I watched the lighted sight in my windscreen come to rest on the target; I neutralized the control forces, then quickly punched the release button on my control stick. I watched the single rocket start toward the target before I put the aircraft into a steep, climbing turn back to 1,500 feet."

Harrison, Marshall. A Lonely Kind of War: Forward Air Controller, Vietnam . Xlibris US. Kindle Edition.
Makes a good FAC for Firefighters as well.
Chris Croft
Willy Peter will make you a believer
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Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
06-03-2025 UnknownChino ()Chino () 03:25PM PST 03:27PM PST 0:01
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