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GLOSTER Meteor (N313Q) - Planes of Fame's Meteor T Mk 7 getting some time outside of the hangar. Hoping to see it fly again soon.
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GLOSTER Meteor (N313Q)


Planes of Fame's Meteor T Mk 7 getting some time outside of the hangar. Hoping to see it fly again soon.


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Alan Brown
Great photo! That is a rare old bird from an age long forgotten.
Jim Metzger
Nice to see this aircraft in the daylight. POF is undoubtedly one of the finest aviation museums in the world. "Keep 'Em Flying"!
John moffitt
Long forgotten by most but I'm old enough to rember these frequently seen by me in service. One of my favourites.
ken kemper
Enjoyed this at Oshkosh several years ago......

Nice pic
Peter Dundee
I used to live very close to POF and regularly saw the planes fly over the house, I do miss that!!
Chris C Kinsley
Used to see these regularly when i was a boy, they had a distinct whine, so you could usually telk there was a Meteor coming over.
Tomer Ariav
It is not forgotten. This was the Brazilian air orce planes in the '50s.
Uwe Steffen
Nice Picture gut the Demonstration N313Q is for an Canadair C 680
bob reeves
cool shot, cool plane
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