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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (G781)
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (G781)



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Doug, week after week, you are a picky $hit.
Kenneth Taylor
Doug...there are 3 more....gonna ding them too????
Tom Jeter
Doug should get a different hobby.
Don Hines
Doug should STFU.
serge LOTH
Yes but Doug .. it's not the same pilot after touch and go!!.. not the same speed either..LOL
M Bodkin
Gentlemen, I think we are privileged to have this platform on which to share photos and thoughts. Foul language and coarse attitudes take away the enjoyment of the photos and learning something new. Please think before you strike the "Enter" key.

May you all enjoy this Memorial Day weekend with loved ones and family. May we also remember those who have passed in the defense of this nation.
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