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ST. CROIX Sopwith Triplane (N543A) - Military Aviation Museum's Sopwith Triplane at Warbirds Over the Beach 2021, Oct 3. During the show the Sopwith only flew on Oct 3rd. Great air show with different aircraft flown both days.
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ST. CROIX Sopwith Triplane (N543A)


Military Aviation Museum's Sopwith Triplane at Warbirds Over the Beach 2021, Oct 3. During the show the Sopwith only flew on Oct 3rd. Great air show with different aircraft flown both days.


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silverio califano
Great shot! Not a Cessna but, not a big deal. Looks updated with brakes and tailwheel. Must be fun to fly!
Sopwith Triplane?
Luke Olsen
A Cessna centurion, eh? That’s about as far from a centurion you can get XD
John moffitt
I love it. I saw one of these fly at Farnborough together with an SE5A and a Camel. Great to witness this display of what avation looked like 100 years ago.
Ken Lane
Snoopy wants one. Great plane with the upgrades shown!
William Owens
Double WOW
Ely Tandeter
Sopwith triplane indeed. Snoopy flies a Camel!
I'm thinkin' Snoopy would fly anything Tommy Sopwith ever built...
jesse kyzer
N543A (1991 Sopwith Triplane Replica
GREAT looking A/C, VERY NICE pic!
Carl-Otto Jaeschke
Come on, get your act together!!
Greg Byington
Nice pic, Allen! And Jesse is right, it is registered with the FAA as a WILLE SOPWITH TRI. I also found an ICAO type code for a Sopwith Triplane Replica which is: STRI. Allen, try changing the type code to STRI and see if that works. Keep up the great work!
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