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Grumman G-40 Avenger (N7835C) - Planes of Fame Grumman TBM-3E at Central Coast AirFest, Santa Maria Public Airport, October 2022
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Grumman G-40 Avenger (N7835C)


Planes of Fame Grumman TBM-3E at Central Coast AirFest, Santa Maria Public Airport, October 2022


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ken kemper
I can almost hear the radial Allen

Awesome pic !!
Al Miller
Is this the type that Bush Senior flew?
Steve Cochrane
I keep looking at this aircraft and wondering how a single engine could move this beast through the sky.
rbt schaffer
I knew this little guy Raymond ...'Butterball' --- musta been 135lb dripping wet--- was a ball gunner/spotter in WWII in one of these looking for submarines off Hatteras. Never said much about it, but get him talking about fishing and you couldn't shut him up.
Dad was a turret gunner in a TBM, Okinawa and Iwo Jima campaigns from the CVE Lunga Point.
The TBM was more common than TBF because Grumman couldn't produce fast enough, so GM was brought in.
Bush flew a TBM.The crew, gunner and radioman, could not wear a 'chute because of cramped conditions. They rarely escaped a plane going down.
bob reeves
cool shot, cool plane
Patrick Bibens
Niiiiiiiiice……. 👍😎
Ray Hagan
For your information, Al Miller, President Bush flew the SBD dive bomber.
Ray Hagan - Sorry to disagree, but George Bush Senior flew Grumman Avengers in WWII. Whether it was a TBF or a TBM - not sure. But there's no doubt he was flying a 'Turkey'when he was shot down. Sadly his two crew members did not survive. (See n7tcf's comment above.)

Excellent photo; excellent restoration!
Great colour scheme.
Rick D
As an aviation-crazy kid in the early '70s, my friend and I used to bike down to the end of Queen St. and duck through the hog wire fencing that surrounded the Abbotsford airport. Conair stored a lot of Avengers, converted to aerial tankers there during the off season. We would crawl around, under, and sometimes through these massive airplanes. Awesome memories
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