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Douglas DC-3 (N74589) - Tunison Foundation's C47  https://tunisonfoundation.org Placid Lassie with Military Aviation Museums FLAK 37 88mm anti-aircraft anti-tank gun in the foreground at Warbirds Over the Beach October 2021. Placid Lassie flew Oct 3rd. The Flak 37 was demo'd Oct 2nd and 3rd. Great airshow attending both days was well worth it. The museum is worth a visit too!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Douglas DC-3 (N74589)


Tunison Foundation's C47 https://tunisonfoundation.org Placid Lassie with Military Aviation Museums FLAK 37 88mm anti-aircraft anti-tank gun in the foreground at Warbirds Over the Beach October 2021. Placid Lassie flew Oct 3rd. The Flak 37 was demo'd Oct 2nd and 3rd. Great airshow attending both days was well worth it. The museum is worth a visit too!


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Nice shot with the gun in the foreground. Thanks for the writeup too, wish more did that.
Great photo - and Good to get some info about the picture.
I also wish more would do that..!!
jesse kyzer
Constructed as a 1942? C-47A-40-DL by Douglas at Long Beach, California, USA.
¿Deseas un historial completo para N74589 a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
11-03-2025 UnknownLetourneau Field ()Hudson Valley Rgnl () 09:34AM EDT 02:06PM EDT 4:31
09-03-2025 UnknownLetourneau Field ()Letourneau Field () 02:52PM EDT 03:29PM EDT 0:36
09-03-2025 UnknownLetourneau Field ()Letourneau Field () 09:43AM EDT 10:31AM EDT 0:48
07-03-2025 UnknownLetourneau Field ()Letourneau Field () 05:53PM EST 06:44PM EST 0:50
07-03-2025 UnknownLetourneau Field ()Letourneau Field () 12:39PM EST 01:38PM EST 0:58
06-03-2025 UnknownAnderson Rgnl ()Letourneau Field () 06:06PM EST 06:30PM EST 0:23
06-03-2025 UnknownLetourneau Field ()Anderson Rgnl () 01:38PM EST 02:40PM EST (?) 1:02
04-03-2025 UnknownLetourneau Field ()Letourneau Field () 02:46PM EST 02:58PM EST 0:11
03-03-2025 UnknownNew Castle ()Letourneau Field () 02:22PM EST 06:13PM EST 3:50
03-03-2025 UnknownHudson Valley Rgnl ()New Castle () 12:57PM EST 02:03PM EST 1:05
03-03-2025 UnknownHudson Valley Rgnl ()Hudson Valley Rgnl () 10:56AM EST 11:25AM EST 0:28
03-03-2025 UnknownHudson Valley Rgnl ()Hudson Valley Rgnl () 10:30AM EST 10:38AM EST 0:07
03-03-2025 UnknownHudson Valley Rgnl ()Hudson Valley Rgnl () 09:41AM EST 10:30AM EST 0:48
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