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Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V (N766PS) - EX N888XY
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Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V (N766PS)




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Let’s all just report Doug as spam, because that’s what he is.
Keith Brown
@masonite I've done that for weeks, it makes no difference. I'm 60 so I'm not PC... the guy has a lot of the 'tism...
Clifford Shaw
@Doug So what man? Who cares....it's a cool plane worthy of multiple looks.
@Keith: I think you’re right about that
Hugh Janus
Dougie repeats complaints about planes repeating nonstop; we don't need to hear your daily gripes. You're the king of pathetic repeaters, Doesn't Mom let you play outside ?
Looks like they painted the plane without taking the rudder off to re-balance it??
Tom Jeter
Doug Irwin is a broken man.
Robert Sloane
another eye grabbing paint scheme plus its a gulfstream little rocket
Mark Huntsinger
Doug is right. Stop abusing him.
Like the livery.
David Plummer
@Doug - Have a suggestion for you and anyone who agrees with your frequent complaints. Why don't you go ahead and setup your own website. Show us all how it is suppose to work in Doug-land.
Chris Bryant
"Can you paint my plane to look like a June bug?"
In all honesty, it's pretty damn cool looking.


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