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N29UB — - Private Mig 29UB taxi at BZN
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N29UB —


Private Mig 29UB taxi at BZN


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Putin on the run ?
ken kemper
Perfectly camouflaged with the mountains in the background.

Enjoyed N29UB at Oshkosh '22.

Beautiful Photo
While I agree that it was neat to see it at OSH I think that the flying I saw didn't compare to some of our young (superb) pilots in the F35s and F18s. I was blown away by some of the stick and rudder that one F35 pilot did especially what a knowledgeable person next to me called a tactical turn which was clearly a maneuver to get back on target during close air support. For a plane that various gov evaluators (read pencil-pusher looking at 'after-the-fact' captured data) that plane was doing pretty good. The MIG29 was the best machinery the Soviet AF, then the Russian AF, was s'pposed to have. The 'deficient' F35 gave a creditable performance. BTW that MIG17 was a thriller.


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