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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (00733)
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (00733)



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frank theriault
That's a very shiny Herc!
Keith Brown
I'm embarrassed. I couldn't read what nation's air force was painted on the side and didn't recognize the flag. It's Singapore. I used to train Singaporean C-130 guys at Clark AB, Philippines in the 80s. They also had a detachment of A-4s permanently rotating at Clark, I think I remember they were glossy too! Weird...
Steve VitPhoto Uploader
Yes, gloss paint. PITA for getting a sharp focus, especially at slow shutter speeds like this. 1/60th.
Robin Rebhan
I think the high gloss finish is to help reflect the heat from tropical sun
Dave Keough
Also they probably use them for show since Singapore's not a hot bed of conflict lately.
David Seider
It's well-known that Singapore is meticulously squeaky clean (or at least tries hard
to be so).
It's logical to think that their Air Force aircraft would be also!
Looks dope in gloss
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