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Boeing 737-200 (MBK790)
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Boeing 737-200 (MBK790)



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C.W. Reed
These 737-200 shots are just excellent! Deserves far better than 5 stars! Thank you again Philippe!
peter tomlinson
Excellent shot Philippe . Spray on runway adds dramatic effect to the picture .
George Maidens
C-GTVO Chrono Aviation
Robert Bryan
Great shot Philippe! But I am confused. What's with the engines? I've never seen the openings at the rear as we do in this shot. I thought this was some one-off with GE CJ805-23 aft-fan engines. I can't find any photos that display openings like these. Help please!
bbryan26, it's a hush kit found here on this site.

Robert Bryan
jim gevay - Thanks for the info. That explains things. Do you know if these affected performance in any way?
john smith
Yes, anytime you restrict/constrict exhaust in the efforts of "silence", you lose power. Lots of hush kits out there for many older jets; look up old Gulfstream jets or older Learjets.
Jim Costello
Footprint? What footprint, I don't have any feet. Just vaping.
Remember these birds quite well. Rather deafening on takeoff. Thanks for the memory and great shot!
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