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N243AC —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

N243AC —



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Patrick Hughes
What was the movie had a scene one of these sucking water out of a backyard pool?
Matt Smith
whatever it was, it was probably just special effects: One can't "suck" water more than 30' up. Not enough external atmospheric pressure above the pool to push the water up more than ish 30 feet/10m no matter how hard a vacuum above the top of the column.,

all that is moot if the wheels were in the pool of course. But that would be a bit rough on the rest of the backyard though...

Seen one of these monsters at the Pima Air Museum/Boneyard (Tuscon AZ USA) they're HUGE!
Robert Forbes
They don't SUCK, there is a pump on the bottom of the hose.
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