2 Votos (3.50 Promedio) y 118 Vistas  

N599JD — - Bit of a story here. Rolled up to GSO to catch a 757 departure of a certain presidential candidate, for the AC subject only. Security with assult rifle in hand ran me off, but not before a conversation revealed why this Baracuda was sitting on 5R just past the threshhold. They suggested it landed gear up, but I don't see any obvious damage, nor bent propeller tips. This photo is after it was cleared and the VIP 757 had departed....some 2.5 hours later! The airport was shut down, and that explained the VIP motorcade delay on the local interstate with HP copter circling above. I imagine that was precautionary. Hopefully there was no prop strike and this little beauty can make it home to Ohio soon. I suspect it's a bit of a screamer with the 6 cyl, (Lycoming) I suspect, under the cowl. Pretty AC.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

N599JD —


Bit of a story here. Rolled up to GSO to catch a 757 departure of a certain presidential candidate, for the AC subject only. Security with assult rifle in hand ran me off, but not before a conversation revealed why this Baracuda was sitting on 5R just past the threshhold. They suggested it landed gear up, but I don't see any obvious damage, nor bent propeller tips. This photo is after it was cleared and the VIP 757 had departed....some 2.5 hours later! The airport was shut down, and that explained the VIP motorcade delay on the local interstate with HP copter circling above. I imagine that was precautionary. Hopefully there was no prop strike and this little beauty can make it home to Ohio soon. I suspect it's a bit of a screamer with the 6 cyl, (Lycoming) I suspect, under the cowl. Pretty AC.


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