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EAA Biplane — - Foggy Line at Sun n Fun 2014, Lakeland Linder Airport, Florida
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EAA Biplane —


Foggy Line at Sun 'n Fun 2014, Lakeland Linder Airport, Florida


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Tomer Ariav
This photo reminds me of a scene from the movie pictures "Close Encounters of a Third Kind".
Really nice shot!
Richard Denning
Spearman or N3N in the foreground? Difficult to determine from the photo?
Richard Denning
Upon a closer look, it's definitely a Stearman. Landing gear is a Stearman, not an N3N. Also it doesn't have the double struts over the aileron that the N3N has.
Joe Sulkowski
Nice pic. Use to work for some crop dusters at Homestead General Aviation airport who flew Stearmans and Thrush Commanders.
Positively beautiful, so peaceful and still... I've yet to visit to Sun 'n fun, but my anual pilgrimage to AirVenture in Oshkosh is almost religious. This is by far my favorite time of day, the quiet of the early morning with these glorious machines on the grass, before the crowds start packing in... Doesn't get much better than this! Thank you!
Erik Fotorny
Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!


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