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North American F-86 Sabre — - North American F-86 @ Planes of Fame, Chino, Ca.
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North American F-86 Sabre —


North American F-86 @ Planes of Fame, Chino, Ca.


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a mentorPhoto Uploader
the CL-13 was under license agreement from North American

see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadair
Gary Schenauer
A 5 * click. Super Q. *****!

I was just checking the P of F site. It shows most of the collection at Chino and some at Grand Canyon. Is the MacArthur Connie at Chino? (That's what it says on the site.) I was at the GC a looooong time back and the MacArthur Connie was there but I could not get close. If it is now at Chino I must to plan a trip there. (Wave)


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