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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (16-4763) - "Fat Albert" on the lakefront in Milwaukee.
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (16-4763)


"Fat Albert" on the lakefront in Milwaukee.


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ken kemper
Perfect Shot !!
Philip Hicks
Great photo - however May I assume the large Stars and Stripes is hanging from the crane. Other wise that Hercules is flying in reverse! I know it can taxi backwards - but fly that way?
renato basso
The flag is on the crane
What a great "capture". Not just a snapshot.
john cook
Tailwind !
Linda Nitzschke
Hey, quit poking that Big Bird in that butt with the flag pole!
Stan Garrett
The Navy Blue Angels are my Favorite military procession flying team. What a great photo.
Simply the Best.
Andre Blanchard
amazing photo. perfectly timed
John Giambone
Awesome Shot Patrick!
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