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De Havilland Mosquito (N474PZ) - The iconic Mosquito piloted by Steve Hinton and Walt Bowe providing copilot support. The cockpit is configured in a way where things like the fuel selector are located at awkward positions and having a second person for the otherwise single-pilot fighter bomber can help reduce workload, especially when the pilot is focused on flying excellent formation.br /br /Another note... generally we gave 5/10/20 (feet) increment callouts for how much change we wanted for the aircraft's position. But I was briefed for Hinton to do 1 and 2 feet increments. Another level of proficiency from the Warbird Legend and a Hall of Famer.
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De Havilland Mosquito (N474PZ)


The iconic Mosquito piloted by Steve Hinton and Walt Bowe providing copilot support. The cockpit is configured in a way where things like the fuel selector are located at awkward positions and having a second person for the otherwise single-pilot fighter bomber can help reduce workload, especially when the pilot is focused on flying excellent formation.

Another note... generally we gave 5/10/20 (feet) increment callouts for how much change we wanted for the aircraft's position. But I was briefed for Hinton to do 1 and 2 feet increments. Another level of proficiency from the Warbird Legend and a Hall of Famer.


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Peter Junk
What a great shot of beautifully designed aircraft, all be it some of the idiosyncrasies of the cockpit controls layout. Where was this taken?
Peter Junk
What a great shot of beautifully designed aircraft, all be it some of the idiosyncrasies of the cockpit controls layout. Where was this taken?
Rick D
I know it's a long way off, but listen to Fredrick Forsythe's 'The Shepard' on CBC Radio (yes, Canada) at Christmas time. Once you hear it, it becomes part of your Christmas tradition.
David Seider

enuf said!
Keith Brown
I had no idea Steve Hinton flew a Mosquito. Has he started shaving yet?? But wow that's a beauty and great photo. I wish I could hear those twin Merlins passing overhead now....
John Hoag
Awkward fuel selector may have been cause of Guy Gibson's (Dambusters) fatal crash in a Mosquito over Holland.
John Thacker
Absolutely beautiful!
Beyond awesome! Great shot
Keith, This is Steve Hinton Sr.
doug ogle
Carson, that is one beautiful photo of a low flying classic in perfect lighting. Nicely done!
mike goodsell
That is beautiful.
Joel DuBois
Thanks: That Mosquito looks downright Beautiful! They sure took it to the Germans in WWII. Made of nothing but wood I understand.
Anyone know how it dueled with German fighters?
Terril Hofer
Nice bird.
I understand it was faster than the Fw190 and didn’t need fighter esclorts
ken kemper
Amazing Photo Carson.....

Absolutely beautiful....EAA Museum about 20 miles from me in Oshkosh has one of these gems on display.


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