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North American P-51 Mustang (N42A) - P-51C Mustang Tuskegee Airmen Red Tail at Thunder Over Michigan 2018.
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North American P-51 Mustang (N42A)


P-51C Mustang Tuskegee Airmen Red Tail at Thunder Over Michigan 2018.


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One of the best photos of this P-51 Mustang as I've yet seen! Thanks for sharing it with us!!!

Should be viewed via clicking on the "full" screen size button!
Greg Byington
Well done, Munnaf!
Darryl Fisher
Nice shot Taz!
David Ingram
Beautiful. Witha radio delete, was a second seat ever worked out for these earlier models?
David, definitely. I flew in the back seat of Betty Jane, a P-51C a few years ago with the Collings Foundation.
Not the usual P-51 version. Excellent!
Leon Kay
Thank you for a nice photo and informative comment.
roland pfeifer
love that P-51 war bird.
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